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Rivet CLI - run Command

Run a Rivet graph in a project using provided input values.

Quick Start

# Run with basic input
npx @ironclad/rivet-cli run my-project.rivet-project --input name=Alice

# Run with JSON input
echo '{"name": "Alice"}' | npx @ironclad/rivet-cli run my-project.rivet-project --inputs-stdin

# Run specific graph
npx @ironclad/rivet-cli run my-project.rivet-project "My Graph" --input name=Alice


The run command executes a Rivet graph with specified inputs. This is particularly useful for:

  • Testing graphs with specific inputs
  • Integrating Rivet into command-line scripts and tools
  • Automating graph execution from other programming languages
  • Development and debugging of graph implementations


The basic usage will run the main graph in the provided project file, with no input values:

npx @ironclad/rivet-cli run my-project.rivet-project

You can also specify a specific graph in the file to run:

npx @ironclad/rivet-cli run my-project.rivet-project "My Graph"


Inputs can be provided in two ways. The first way is to use the --input flag for each input value:

npx @ironclad/rivet-cli run my-project.rivet-project --input input1=5 --input input2=10

This is useful for basic input values and allows for easy testing of various scenarios.

The second way is to provide the inputs using a JSON object from standard input. This is useful for more complex input values:

echo '{"input1": 5, "input2": 10}' | npx @ironclad/rivet-cli run my-project.rivet-project --inputs-stdin

This is useful for more complex input values, such as arrays or objects, as well as piping input values from other commands or scripts.


The Rivet CLI outputs JSON data to standard output. Each Graph Output node in the graph will correspond to a key in the output JSON object.

The value of each property will be a Data Value object, with a type property and a value property.

For example, if a graph has two Graph Output Nodes, output1 (a string) and output2 (a number), the output JSON object will look like this:

"output1": {
"type": "string",
"value": "Hello, World!"
"output2": {
"type": "number",
"value": 42


Input Configuration

  • --input - Specify an input value for the graph. Can be used multiple times.
  • --inputs-stdin - Read input values from standard input as a JSON object. Overrides any input values provided with --input.
  • --context - Specify a single context value for the graph. Can be used multiple times. Context can be used to pass global values to the graph. Context is specified using the same format as --input.

Output Configuration

  • --include-cost - Includes the cost of the graph execution in the output JSON object. The cost is included as a cost property on the output JSON.