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Simple Graph

In the sidebar you should see the graphs tab with a list of numbered folders with graphs. These are the graphs that are included in the tutorial project.

Inside the 1. Simple Graph folder you should see a Simple Graph graph. Click on the graph to open it.

You should see the following graph:

Simple Graph

This graph has 2 nodes. A text node and a chat node.

Click the green run button in the top right corner of the graph to run this graph.

Simple Graph

You should see something similar to the following:

Simple Graph

When you ran the graph, the text node sent its output to the prompt of the chat node. The chat node then sent a post request to OpenAI's create endpoint and received a response. The response was then sent to the output of the graph.

Let's experiment with the nodes in this graph. To change the parameters of a node, click on the edit gear in the top right on the node.


  • Change the text node to ask a new question like "What's the difference between a NDA and a MNDA". Run the graph again and observe the chat node respond with new text.

  • Change the chat nodes max tokens to 256. Run the graph again and observe the chat node respond with less text.

  • Change the chat nodes temperature to 1. Run the graph again and observe the chat node respond with more variable text.