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Text Node

Text Node Screenshot


The Text Node is used to output a string of text. It can also interpolate values using {{tags}} within the text. The inputs are dynamically generated based on the interpolation tags used in the text.

This node is particularly useful for creating dynamic text based on the inputs to the node. The Text Node supports markdown, so you can use it to create richly formatted text.


TitleData TypeDescriptionDefault ValueNotes
(dynamic)stringThe inputs are dynamically generated based on the interpolation tags used.N/AThe input names are derived from the interpolation tags used in the text. For example, if the text contains {{name}}, then there will be an input named name.

Example 1: Simple Text Output

  1. Create a Text Node.
  2. Set the Text to Hello World!.
  3. Run the graph. The output of the Text Node will be Hello World.

Text Node Example 1

Example 2: Interpolation

  1. Create a Text Node.
  2. Set the Text to Hello, {{name}}!.
  3. Create a Text Node and set the text to Rivet. Connect it to the name input of the Text Node.
  4. Run the graph. The output of the Text Node will be Hello, Rivet!.

Text Node Example 2

Example 3: Using Markdown

  1. Create a Text Node.
  2. Set the Text to # Hello, {{name}}!.
  3. Create a Text Node and set the text to Rivet. Connect it to the name input of the Text Node.
  4. Run the graph. The output of the Text Node will be # Hello, Rivet!.

Text Node Example 3

Error Handling

The Text Node does not have any notable error handling behavior. If an input is missing or null, the corresponding interpolation tag will be replaced with an empty string.


Q: Can I use markdown in the Text Node?

A: Yes, the Text Node supports markdown. You can use markdown syntax in the text to create richly formatted text.

Q: Can I use the Text Node to create a template?

A: Yes, you can use the Text Node to create a template by using interpolation tags. You can then connect other nodes to the inputs of the Text Node to fill in the values of the tags.

Q: Can I use the Text Node to concatenate strings?

A: Yes, you can use the Text Node to concatenate strings by using interpolation tags. For example, you can set the text to {{string1}}{{string2}} to concatenate the values of string1 and string2.

See Also