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Using the ExecutionRecorder class in your code, you can generate .rivet-recording files that contain recorded executions of a rivet graph and all its subgraphs.

This documentation is about using rivet-recording files to replay your recordings. For information on how to generate recordings, see the recording API documentation.

Loading a Recording

Once you have a rivet-recording file, you can load it into Rivet using the Load Recording option in the action bar dropdown, or by pressing Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + O and selecting the file.

When loaded, the border of Rivet will turn yellow, and an "Unload Recording" option will appear in the action bar.

Playing a Recording

When a recording is loaded, the Play button turns into a "Play Recording" button. Pressing this button will play the recording.

A recording will play back Chat Node that happened during the execution at a fixed rate. This rate is configurable in the "General" area of the Rivet settings panel.

Intermediate nodes between Chat nodes will be replayed instantly.

During playback, you can press the Pause button in the action bar to pause the recording where it currently is. Pressing Resume will resume the recording from this point.

If a recording is aborted, you can click Play Recording again to restart it from the beginning.

To unload the recording and return to normal execution, click the Unload Recording button in the action bar.