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Compare Node


The Compare Node allows you to perform a comparison operation between two input values. The node supports a variety of comparison functions including equality, inequality, less than, greater than, and logical operations such as AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, and XNOR.

Compare Node Screenshot


TitleData TypeDescriptionDefault ValueNotes
AanyThe first value for comparison.(Required)None
BanyThe second value for comparison.(Required)None

Example 1: Compare two numbers

  1. Create a Compare Node and set the Comparison Function to >.
  2. Create two Number Nodes, one with the value 5 and the other with the value 3.
  3. Connect the Number Nodes to the A and B inputs of the Compare Node respectively.
  4. Run the graph. Note that the output of the Compare Node is true, because 5 is greater than 3.

Compare Node Example 1

Error Handling

The Compare Node does not have any specific error handling. If the inputs are not of the same type, the node will attempt to coerce the second input (B) to the type of the first input (A).


Q: What happens if the inputs are not of the same type?

A: If the inputs are not of the same type, the node will attempt to coerce the second input (B) to the type of the first input (A). If the coercion is not possible, the comparison will be performed with the original values.

Q: Can I use the Compare Node to compare arrays or objects?

A: Yes, you can use the Compare Node to compare arrays or objects. However, the comparison will be performed using JavaScript's strict equality (===), which may not give the expected results for arrays or objects. For a deep comparison of arrays or objects, consider using a Code Node.

See Also