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URL Reference Node

URL Reference Node Screenshot


The URL Reference Node is used to define a reference to a URL or convert a string into a URL reference. This node is particularly useful when used with the Assemble Message node to define URLs for attachments or images, allowing the LLM to download the image instead of having to upload the image with your chat request.


TitleData TypeDescriptionDefault ValueNotes
URLstringThe string to be converted into a URL reference.(empty)This input is only available if the Use URL Input setting is enabled.

Example 1: Define a URL Reference

  1. Create a URL Reference Node.
  2. Set the URL setting to the URL you want to reference (e.g.,
  3. Run the graph. The URL Reference output of the URL Reference Node should contain a reference to the specified URL.

URL Reference Node Example 1

Example 2: Convert a String into a URL Reference

  1. Create a URL Reference Node and enable the Use URL Input setting.
  2. Create a Text Node and set the text to the URL you want to reference (e.g.,
  3. Connect the Text Node to the URL input of the URL Reference Node.
  4. Run the graph. The URL Reference output of the URL Reference Node should contain a reference to the specified URL.

URL Reference Node Example 2

Error Handling

The URL Reference Node cannot error under normal circumstances. If the URL input is not provided, the node will use the URL specified in the settings.


Q: Can I use the URL Reference Node to reference a file on my local machine?

A: No, the URL Reference Node is intended for referencing URLs on the internet. If you want to reference a file on your local machine, you would need to upload the file to a web server and reference the URL of the uploaded file, or use the Image Node to load the image from your local machine.

Q: What happens if I provide an invalid URL?

A: The URL Reference Node does not validate the URL. It simply creates a reference to the provided URL. If the URL is invalid, any nodes that use the URL reference may fail or behave unexpectedly.

See Also