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Graph Output Node

Graph Output Node Screenshot


The Graph Output Node is used to define the outputs of a graph. Each instance of this node represents an individual output of the graph. The value passed into this node becomes part of the overall output of the graph.

When a graph is used as a subgraph, each Graph Output Node in the graph turns into an output port on the subgraph node.


TitleData TypeDescriptionDefault ValueNotes
ValueanyThe value to be outputted from the graph. The data type of the value should match the data type configured in the node settings.(required)

Example 1: Define an output for a graph

  1. Create a Text Node and set the value to Hello, world!.
  2. Create a Graph Output Node and set the ID to greeting and the Data Type to String.
  3. Connect the Text Node to the Value input of the Graph Output Node.
  4. Create another graph, and add a Subgraph Node to the graph. Set the Subgraph Node's Graph ID to the ID of the graph created in step 1.
  5. Run the graph. You should see the greeting output of the subgraph is "Hello, world!"

Graph Output Node Example 1 Graph Output Node Example 1

Error Handling

The Graph Output Node will error if the data type of the value passed into the node does not match the data type configured in the node settings.


Q: Can I have multiple Graph Output Nodes in a graph?

A: Yes, you can have multiple Graph Output Nodes in a graph. Each Graph Output Node represents an individual output of the graph. The ID of each Graph Output Node should be unique.

Q: What happens if the ID of a Graph Output Node is not unique?

A: If the ID of a Graph Output Node is not unique, the output of the graph will contain the value of the last Graph Output Node with that ID that was processed.

Q: Can I use the Graph Output Node to output an array or an object?

A: Yes, you can use the Graph Output Node to output any data type. The data type of the value passed into the node should match the data type configured in the node settings.

See Also